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Case Studies
Case study #1:
A specialty gift manufacturing plant hired the Earle Company to assist their manager’s increase to interpersonal communication within their management team. Many of the skills and systems, which were developed and implemented for this company, are in place five years later.
Case study #2:
A manufacturing company needed to provide a forum for employees to expressing their feelings and concerns to management. Reducing and solving co-worker disputes was another goal of the program. For over five years the Earle Company has been the facilitator of monthly employee-management meeting. It has now become even more vital because of the original company’s recent acquisition of another organization with twice as many employees.
Case study #3:
A petrochemical company has self-directed work teams and every year they evaluated the “colleagues” by using a 360 degree evaluation method. Once a year the employees make suggestions and express their concerns about the evaluation process. Because of this employee input, the evaluation method has changed. The Earle Company assisted in this process by presenting feedback effectiveness training and by third party facilitation collected improvement suggestions.
Case study #4:
A petrochemical company had an employee who was promoted because of his excellent technical skills. Once in a supervisory position his lack of people skills became apparent and the Earle Company provided the resources to help him make the necessary changes in his supervisory skills.
Case study #5:
A supervisor and a manager in a petrochemical company worked close together but for some reason seemed to have a personality clash that was interfering with their productivity. The Earle Company was hired to assist them in improving their working relationship.
Case study #6:
A manufacturing company hired the Earle Company when they experienced increasing tension from their work force. This tension was interfering with productivity. The Earle Company became the mediator between the company and the employees which ultimately resulted in new understanding and cooperation between both parties.
Case study #7:
A supply company needed to define their corporate training needs. The Earle Company assisted them in developing a company-wide survey and then became the third-party collection point. After collecting this information it was processed and presented for management’s review. In addition to the formal survey the Earle Company facilitated a series of debriefing meetings with all the employees. From this effort the company developed a game plan for management changes and areas of training needs.
Case study #8:
A foreign manufacturing company contracted with a local engineering company to design their plant. This project ended with a lawsuit and the Earle Company assisted in mediating this dispute.